Session Preview

Welcome to Day 4 of our course on HTML! Today, we’re diving into one of the most important aspects of web development: tables. Tables are invaluable for organizing and displaying data in a way that’s both structured and easy to understand.

In this session, we’ll start by getting acquainted with the basic building blocks of HTML tables. You’ll learn how to use the core elements like <table>, <tr>, <th>, and <td> to create tables that can hold and present your data effectively. We’ll explore how these elements work together to form the structure of your table, with each playing a specific role in defining rows, columns, and data cells.

But that’s just the beginning. We’ll also cover more advanced features that allow you to refine and enhance your tables. You’ll discover how to merge cells using the colspan and rowspan attributes, which are essential for creating more complex and dynamic table layouts. Imagine being able to span a single cell across several columns or rows to consolidate information—this is how it’s done!

Next, we’ll address accessibility and usability by learning how to add captions to your tables. The <caption> element is a powerful tool for providing context and making your tables more informative, especially for users who rely on screen readers.

By the end of today’s session, you’ll have the skills to build and style tables that not only look good but are also functional and accessible. You’ll have a chance to put your new knowledge into practice through an exercise where you’ll create a table that displays a schedule or data sheet. This hands-on project will help solidify your understanding and give you a tangible result to show for your efforts.

So get ready to roll up your sleeves and get hands-on with HTML tables. Whether you’re organizing a weekly schedule or summarizing data, today’s session will equip you with the tools you need to present your information clearly and effectively.

Why This Session?

Tables are fundamental to presenting structured data on the web. Whether you’re building a schedule, displaying financial reports, or creating a data dashboard, tables are a versatile tool that can enhance the clarity and organization of your content. Here’s why mastering HTML tables is crucial:

  1. Structured Data Representation:
    • Tables provide a clean and organized way to present data, making it easier for users to understand and interpret information at a glance. This is particularly important for content that involves lists, schedules, or comparative data.
  2. Flexibility in Design:
    • Understanding how to use HTML tables effectively allows you to create more complex layouts. By using attributes like colspan and rowspan, you can merge cells to create headers that span multiple columns or rows, adapting the table to better fit your data presentation needs.
  3. Enhanced Accessibility:
    • Adding elements like <caption> improves accessibility, making your tables more inclusive. This is essential for users who rely on assistive technologies, ensuring that all users can understand the context and content of your tables.
  4. Real-World Applications:
    • In professional web development, tables are often used to display data such as schedules, reports, and product information. Knowing how to create and style tables effectively will enhance your ability to build functional and user-friendly web applications.
  5. Fundamental Skill:
    • Tables are a basic yet vital component of HTML. Mastering their use lays the foundation for more advanced web development skills and practices. It’s a key building block that supports the development of other features and functionalities.
  6. Practical Experience:
    • The hands-on exercise you’ll complete today will help you apply what you’ve learned in a practical context. Creating a table for a schedule or data sheet will not only reinforce your understanding but also provide you with a real-world example of how to utilize tables effectively.

By the end of this session, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to build well-structured, accessible tables that enhance the presentation and usability of your web content. Whether you’re organizing data for a project or creating a layout for a client, these skills are invaluable in delivering clear and effective web designs.

Meta Data for Day 4: Creating and Styling Tables

Session Title: Creating and Styling Tables

Date: [Insert Date]

Duration: [Insert Duration]

Objective: To provide a comprehensive understanding of HTML tables, including their structure, advanced features like cell merging, and techniques for enhancing accessibility. By the end of the session, learners will be able to create and style tables effectively and incorporate best practices for data presentation.


  • Basic understanding of HTML and its elements
  • Familiarity with web development concepts

Key Concepts:

  • Structure of HTML tables
  • Using <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td> elements
  • Cell merging with colspan and rowspan
  • Adding captions with <caption>
  • Grouping elements with <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot>
  • Enhancing table accessibility

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the fundamental structure of HTML tables and how to use key elements.
  • Apply colspan and rowspan attributes to create complex table layouts.
  • Enhance table accessibility by adding captions and summaries.
  • Create a functional and visually appealing table for real-world applications.

Materials Needed:

  • Code editor (e.g., Visual Studio Code)
  • Web browser for previewing HTML files
  • Sample HTML file for practice

Session Plan:

  1. Introduction to HTML Tables:
    • Overview of table elements and attributes
    • Basic structure and syntax
  2. Building Tables:
    • Detailed explanation of <table>, <tr>, <th>, <td>
    • Usage of border, cellspacing, and cellpadding
  3. Advanced Table Features:
    • Cell merging with colspan and rowspan
    • Using <thead>, <tbody>, <tfoot> for grouping
  4. Adding Captions and Summaries:
    • Adding and styling <caption>
    • Providing context with summary text
  5. Exercise:
    • Creating a table for a weekly schedule or data sheet
    • Applying learned techniques to the exercise
  6. Real-Time Project:
    • Building a monthly sales report table with advanced features
  7. Practice Project:
    • Designing a practice table with diverse content and layout
  8. Review and Q&A:
    • Addressing any questions and discussing best practices

Git Commit Message:

  • “Added table with advanced features: colspan, rowspan, caption

Interview Questions:

  1. What are the purposes of <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> in an HTML table?
  2. How do colspan and rowspan attributes enhance table layouts?
  3. What techniques can be used to improve the accessibility of tables?

Best Practices:

  • Use CSS for styling rather than HTML attributes like border.
  • Ensure tables are accessible by including captions and summary text.
  • Keep table data organized and avoid excessive complexity.

Additional Resources:


  • Emphasize the importance of accessibility in table design.
  • Encourage experimentation with different table layouts and styles.

Table of Contents

  1. Session Preview
  2. Session Details
  3. Exercise
  4. Real-Time Project
  5. Practice Project
  6. Learning Through Projects
  7. Interview Questions

Session Details

In this session, we’ll explore the intricacies of creating and styling tables in HTML. Tables are essential tools for displaying data in a clear, structured format, and mastering their use is key for effective web design. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you’ll learn today:

Building Tables

Tables are used to present data in rows and columns. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the fundamental elements involved:

Table Elements

  1. <table>: The container element for the entire table. It holds all other table-related elements and defines the overall table structure.
  <!-- Table content goes here -->


  • border: Defines the border width of the table. Although this attribute is still supported, it’s more common to use CSS for styling tables in modern web design.
<table border="1">

Best Practice: Use CSS to style borders for better control and flexibility. For example:

table {
  border-collapse: collapse; /* Ensures borders between cells are merged */
  width: 100%; /* Makes the table take up the full width of its container */

th, td {
  border: 1px solid black;
  1. <tr>: Stands for “table row” and is used to define a row within the table. Each row contains cells represented by <td> or <th> elements.
  <!-- Table cells go here -->
  1. <th>: Represents a table header cell. Text within <th> is bold and centered by default, making it ideal for column headers.
<th>Header Text</th>
  1. <td>: Represents a standard data cell within a table row. It is used to contain the actual data of the table.
<td>Data Text</td>

Example of a Basic Table:



  • The <table> element defines the start and end of the table.
  • The <tr> elements define rows within the table.
  • The <th> elements define headers for the columns.
  • The <td> elements contain the actual data for each cell in the rows.

Table Attributes

Table attributes help control the appearance and spacing of tables. Here’s a detailed look:

  1. border: Sets the width of the border around the table. While this attribute is functional, using CSS is preferred for styling.
<table border="2"> <!-- Creates a table with a border width of 2 pixels -->
  1. cellspacing: Defines the space between the borders of adjacent cells. This attribute is deprecated in favor of CSS.
<table cellspacing="10"> <!-- Adds 10 pixels of space between cells -->
  1. cellpadding: Specifies the space between the cell content and its border. This attribute is also deprecated; use CSS for modern styling.
<table cellpadding="5"> <!-- Adds 5 pixels of padding inside each cell -->

Example with Attributes:

<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">


  • Border: Adds a 1-pixel border around the table and its cells.
  • Cellspacing: No extra space between cells (set to 0).
  • Cellpadding: Adds 5 pixels of padding inside each cell.

Grouping Elements

Grouping elements help in organizing and presenting table data in a logical manner. They also aid in applying styles to specific sections of the table. Here’s how to use them:

  1. <thead>: Groups the header content of a table. It’s used to define a block of rows that will serve as headers. It’s placed at the top of the table.
    <th>Header 1</th>
    <th>Header 2</th>

Explanation: The <thead> element contains one or more rows that define the table headers. It helps in separating header rows from body and footer rows, which can be useful for styling and accessibility.

  1. <tbody>: Groups the main body content of the table. It contains the actual data rows and is placed between <thead> and <tfoot>.
    <td>Data 1</td>
    <td>Data 2</td>
    <td>Data 3</td>
    <td>Data 4</td>

Explanation: The <tbody> element contains the bulk of the table’s data. It ensures that the data rows are grouped together, which can make it easier to apply styles or scripts specifically to this section.

  1. <tfoot>: Groups the footer content of the table. Typically used for summary rows or totals, and placed after <tbody>.

Explanation: The <tfoot> element is used to group footer content, such as summary rows. It helps keep the table organized and makes it easier to apply consistent styles to the footer.

Example with Grouping Elements:

<table border="1">


  • <thead>: Contains the header row with column titles.
  • <tbody>: Holds the main data rows.
  • <tfoot>: Displays the summary or total row.

Cell Merging

Cell merging in HTML tables is a powerful technique used to create complex layouts by combining multiple cells into a single cell. This is useful when you want to represent data in a more organized or visually appealing way.

Colspan Attribute

The colspan attribute allows you to span a cell across multiple columns. This is particularly useful when you want to merge several columns into a single cell.

How it Works:

  • colspan="number": Specifies how many columns a cell should span.


<table border="1">
    <td colspan="2">Fruits</td> <!-- This cell spans across both columns -->


  • In the second row, the cell with colspan="2" spans across both the “Product” and “Price” columns. This effectively merges two columns into one cell labeled “Fruits”.

Best Practices:

  • Use colspan to simplify data representation and make it easier to understand.
  • Ensure that merged cells do not make the table confusing or hard to read.

Rowspan Attribute

The rowspan attribute allows you to span a cell across multiple rows. This is useful when you want a cell to cover several rows in a table.

How it Works:

  • rowspan="number": Specifies how many rows a cell should span.


<table border="1">
    <td rowspan="2">Fruits</td> <!-- This cell spans across two rows -->


  • The cell with rowspan="2" in the “Category” column spans across two rows. This means that the “Fruits” cell covers both rows for apples and oranges, visually indicating that these items belong to the “Fruits” category.

Best Practices:

  • Use rowspan to group related data and make tables more readable.
  • Avoid overusing rowspan to prevent confusing layouts.

Adding Captions and Summaries

When working with tables in HTML, enhancing accessibility and providing context can significantly improve the user experience. Adding captions and summaries helps make your tables more informative and accessible, especially for users relying on assistive technologies.

<caption> Element

The <caption> element is used to provide a brief description or title for a table. It is placed immediately after the <table> tag and before any table rows or groups.

How it Works:

  • The <caption> element gives context to the table, making it easier for users to understand the purpose of the table.
  • By default, captions are centered above the table.


<table border="1">
  <caption>Monthly Sales Data</caption>


  • <caption>: The text “Monthly Sales Data” provides a clear title for the table, explaining that it contains sales data for different products.

Best Practices:

  • Ensure the caption is concise but descriptive enough to give users an understanding of the table’s content.
  • Use a caption to provide context for complex tables that might otherwise be unclear.

Summary Text

While the <caption> element provides a title, the <summary> element is not a standard HTML table element but is used to provide additional information about the table content. In practice, it is common to use additional descriptive text near the table or as a part of the surrounding content to elaborate on what the table represents.

How it Works:

  • Additional Context: Add text before or after the table to give a more detailed explanation of what the table shows or how to interpret its data.
  • Accessibility: For users with assistive technologies, a summary text or description enhances the table’s accessibility by providing extra context.


<p>The following table shows the monthly sales data for various products. Sales figures represent the total units sold each month.</p>
<table border="1">
  <caption>Monthly Sales Data</caption>


  • Additional Text: The paragraph before the table explains what the table displays, providing context that might help users understand the data better.

Best Practices:

  • Provide a summary or descriptive text that gives users insight into the table’s purpose and the significance of its data.
  • Ensure that the summary is placed logically in relation to the table, either before or after, to maintain coherence and accessibility.

Exercises for Adding Captions and Summaries to Tables

These exercises will help you practice using <caption> and providing additional context for HTML tables. Complete each exercise by implementing the required HTML code and verifying the table’s functionality and accessibility.

Exercise 1: Basic Table with Caption

Objective: Create a simple table with a caption to describe its content.


  1. Create an HTML table that displays a list of books with their authors.
  2. Add a <caption> element above the table to provide a title.

Example Table Layout:

<table border="1">
  <caption>Books and Authors</caption>
      <td>To Kill a Mockingbird</td>
      <td>Harper Lee</td>
      <td>George Orwell</td>


  • <caption>: “Books and Authors” provides a clear title for the table.

Exercise 2: Table with Colspan and Caption

Objective: Create a table that uses the colspan attribute and includes a caption for clarity.


  1. Create an HTML table showing monthly sales data with columns for each month.
  2. Merge columns in the header using colspan to combine “January” and “February” into a single section.
  3. Add a <caption> to describe the table.

Example Table Layout:

<table border="1">
  <caption>Sales Data for First Quarter</caption>
      <th colspan="2">Sales</th>


  • colspan="2": Merges two columns under “Sales”.
  • <caption>: “Sales Data for First Quarter” describes the table’s content.

Exercise 3: Table with Rowspan and Summary

Objective: Design a table that uses the rowspan attribute and includes a descriptive summary.


  1. Create an HTML table to display sales figures for different regions.
  2. Use rowspan to group data under each region.
  3. Add a <caption> to title the table.
  4. Provide a summary text before the table describing what the data represents.

Example Table Layout:

<p>The following table shows sales figures for different regions in the year 2023.</p>
<table border="1">
  <caption>Regional Sales Data for 2023</caption>
      <th>Quarter 1</th>
      <th>Quarter 2</th>
      <td rowspan="2">North America</td>
      <td rowspan="2">Europe</td>


  • rowspan="2": Merges rows for “North America” and “Europe”.
  • <caption>: “Regional Sales Data for 2023” provides a title for the table.
  • Summary Text: Describes what the data in the table represents.

Exercise 4: Table with Complex Layout

Objective: Build a more complex table layout using both colspan and rowspan, and include a caption and summary.


  1. Create an HTML table that includes various project milestones and deadlines.
  2. Merge cells using both colspan and rowspan to organize the data.
  3. Add a <caption> for the table.
  4. Provide a summary text before the table to explain the table’s context.

Example Table Layout:

<p>This table outlines key project milestones and their deadlines for the first half of 2024.</p>
<table border="1">
  <caption>Project Milestones for Early 2024</caption>
      <th rowspan="2">Milestone</th>
      <th colspan="3">Deadline Dates</th>
      <td rowspan="2">Phase 1</td>
      <td colspan="3">Review & Finalization</td>
      <td>Phase 2</td>


  • colspan="3": Merges three columns under “Deadline Dates”.
  • rowspan="2": Merges rows for “Phase 1”.
  • <caption>: “Project Milestones for Early 2024” gives context to the table.
  • Summary Text: Provides additional details about the content of the table.

Real-Time Project: Monthly Sales Report Table

Objective: Create a detailed monthly sales report using cell merging techniques to represent different categories and totals.

Project Requirements:

  • Use colspan to merge headers for different sections.
  • Use rowspan to group sales data under specific categories.

Project Example:

<table border="1">
      <th colspan="2">Sales</th>
      <th colspan="2">Revenue</th>
      <td rowspan="2">Electronics</td> <!-- Spans across two rows -->
      <td rowspan="2">Furniture</td>


  • Headers: The first row of headers uses colspan to combine “Sales” and “Revenue” into two columns each.
  • Categories: The “Electronics” and “Furniture” categories use rowspan to span multiple rows, grouping the sales data for each category.
  • Data Cells: Each row under a category contains specific sales and revenue data for January and February.

Practice Project: Student Grades Table

Objective: Design a table to display student grades with merged cells to highlight specific sections.

Project Requirements:

  • Use colspan to merge cells in the header for subjects.
  • Use rowspan to group student names.

Project Example:

<table border="1">
      <th rowspan="2">Student</th>
      <th colspan="2">Math</th>
      <th colspan="2">Science</th>
      <th>Exam 1</th>
      <th>Exam 2</th>
      <th>Exam 1</th>
      <th>Exam 2</th>
      <td>John Doe</td>
      <td>Jane Smith</td>


  • Headers: The first row uses colspan to merge columns under “Math” and “Science”. The second row provides details for each exam.
  • Student Names: Each student’s name occupies a single cell per row, with corresponding grades for each subject and exam.

Learning Through Projects: Enhancing HTML Tables Skills

Applying your knowledge through practical projects is a great way to solidify your understanding of HTML tables. Below are several project ideas and exercises designed to help you practice and refine your skills in creating and styling tables with captions and summaries.

Project 1: Employee Directory

Objective: Create a table that displays an employee directory for a company. Use captions, row and column merging, and summary text.


  1. Create a Table: Design a table that includes employee names, job titles, departments, and contact details.
  2. Use Captions: Add a caption to describe the table’s purpose.
  3. Implement Cell Merging: Use colspan to combine columns for contact details.
  4. Add Summary Text: Include a paragraph before the table explaining the purpose of the directory.

Example Table Layout:

<p>This directory lists the employees working in different departments of the company along with their contact details.</p>
<table border="1">
  <caption>Company Employee Directory</caption>
      <th>Job Title</th>
      <th colspan="2">Department</th>
      <td>John Doe</td>
      <td>Software Engineer</td>
      <td colspan="2">Engineering</td>
      <td>Jane Smith</td>
      <td>Marketing Manager</td>
      <td colspan="2">Marketing</td>


  • colspan="2": Merges two columns for the department name.
  • <caption>: “Company Employee Directory” describes the content of the table.
  • Summary Text: Provides context about what the directory represents.

Project 2: Event Schedule

Objective: Build a table to display a schedule for an upcoming event with different sessions and times.


  1. Create a Table: Design a table that shows event sessions, times, and speakers.
  2. Use Captions: Add a caption to clarify the table’s content.
  3. Implement Row and Column Merging: Use rowspan to merge rows for sessions that span multiple time slots.
  4. Add Summary Text: Include a paragraph before the table that describes the event schedule.

Example Table Layout:

<p>This table provides the schedule for the upcoming conference, including session times and speakers.</p>
<table border="1">
  <caption>Conference Schedule</caption>
      <th rowspan="2">Session</th>
      <th colspan="2">Time Slot</th>
      <td>Keynote Address</td>
      <td colspan="2">9:00 AM - 10:30 AM</td>
      <td>Dr. Alice Johnson</td>
      <td rowspan="2">Technical Workshops</td>
      <td>11:00 AM - 12:30 PM</td>
      <td>2:00 PM - 3:30 PM</td>
      <td>Various Speakers</td>
      <td>1:00 PM - 2:30 PM</td>
      <td>4:00 PM - 5:30 PM</td>
      <td>Various Speakers</td>


  • rowspan="2": Merges rows for sessions that span multiple time slots.
  • colspan="2": Merges two columns under “Time Slot”.
  • <caption>: “Conference Schedule” provides context for the table.
  • Summary Text: Describes what the schedule covers.

Project 3: Product Inventory

Objective: Develop a table to display product inventory with detailed categories, stock numbers, and prices.


  1. Create a Table: Design a table that includes product names, categories, stock numbers, and prices.
  2. Use Captions: Add a caption to provide a title for the table.
  3. Implement Cell Merging: Use colspan and rowspan to merge cells where needed to improve readability.
  4. Add Summary Text: Write a paragraph before the table to explain the inventory data.

Example Table Layout:

<p>The table below shows the current inventory of products, including their categories, stock levels, and prices.</p>
<table border="1">
  <caption>Product Inventory</caption>
      <th colspan="2">Category</th>
      <td colspan="2">Electronics</td>
      <td>Office Chair</td>
      <td rowspan="2">Furniture</td>


  • colspan="2": Merges two columns under “Category” for the “Electronics” product.
  • rowspan="2": Merges rows for products under the “Furniture” category.
  • <caption>: “Product Inventory” provides a clear title for the table.
  • Summary Text: Offers context about the inventory data presented.

Project 4: Academic Transcript

Objective: Design a table to display academic transcript details, including courses, grades, and credits.


  1. Create a Table: Design a table to show courses, grades, and credits for an academic term.
  2. Use Captions: Add a caption to describe the purpose of the transcript table.
  3. Implement Cell Merging: Use colspan to combine columns for total credits.
  4. Add Summary Text: Include a paragraph before the table explaining the transcript data.

Example Table Layout:

<p>This table presents the academic transcript for the current term, including course details and grades.</p>
<table border="1">
  <caption>Academic Transcript - Fall 2024</caption>
      <td>Computer Science</td>
      <td colspan="2">Total Credits</td>


  • colspan="2": Merges two columns for “Total Credits”.
  • <caption>: “Academic Transcript – Fall 2024” provides context for the table.
  • Summary Text: Describes what the academic transcript represents.

Interview Questions for HTML Tables

These interview questions will test your understanding of HTML tables, including their structure, attributes, and best practices. Use these questions to prepare for technical interviews or to assess your knowledge.

Question 1: What are the primary elements used to create an HTML table?


  • <table>: Defines the table element.
  • <tr>: Defines a table row.
  • <th>: Defines a table header cell.
  • <td>: Defines a table data cell.
  • <caption>: Provides a title for the table (optional).
  • <thead>: Groups the header content (optional).
  • <tbody>: Groups the body content (optional).
  • <tfoot>: Groups the footer content (optional).

Interview Questions for HTML Tables

These interview questions will test your understanding of HTML tables, including their structure, attributes, and best practices. Use these questions to prepare for technical interviews or to assess your knowledge.

Question 1: What are the primary elements used to create an HTML table?


  • <table>: Defines the table element.
  • <tr>: Defines a table row.
  • <th>: Defines a table header cell.
  • <td>: Defines a table data cell.
  • <caption>: Provides a title for the table (optional).
  • <thead>: Groups the header content (optional).
  • <tbody>: Groups the body content (optional).
  • <tfoot>: Groups the footer content (optional).

Question 2: How do the colspan and rowspan attributes work in HTML tables?


  • colspan: Specifies the number of columns a cell should span. It is used in <td> or <th> elements to extend the cell across multiple columns.
  • rowspan: Specifies the number of rows a cell should span. It is used in <td> or <th> elements to extend the cell across multiple rows.


<table border="1">
    <td rowspan="2">Rowspan</td>
    <td colspan="2">Colspan</td>
    <td>Cell 1</td>
    <td>Cell 2</td>

Question 3: What is the purpose of the <caption> element in an HTML table?

Answer: The <caption> element provides a title or description for the table. It helps in identifying the content of the table, making it more accessible and understandable. The caption is displayed above the table by default.


<table border="1">
  <caption>Monthly Sales Data</caption>

Question 4: How can you improve the accessibility of HTML tables?


  • Use <caption>: Provide a meaningful description of the table’s content.
  • Include <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot>: Group table rows into header, body, and footer sections to enhance readability and navigation.
  • Add summary attributes: Use the summary attribute (deprecated in HTML5, use <caption> and ARIA roles instead) to provide additional context.
  • Use ARIA roles and properties: Implement ARIA roles like role="table", role="columnheader", and role="rowheader" to improve screen reader support.


<table border="1">
  <caption>Employee Salary Details</caption>
      <td>John Doe</td>
      <td colspan="2">Total</td>

Question 5: What is the difference between <thead>, <tbody>, and <tfoot> elements in HTML tables?


  • <thead>: Groups the header content of a table. It is typically used to define column headers.
  • <tbody>: Groups the body content of a table. It contains the main data rows.
  • <tfoot>: Groups the footer content of a table. It is used for summary rows or calculations and is usually placed at the bottom of the table.


<table border="1">
      <td>Product A</td>

Question 6: How can you use the summary attribute to describe a table?

Answer: Note: The summary attribute was used in older versions of HTML to provide a textual description of a table’s purpose. It is now considered deprecated in HTML5. Instead, use the <caption> element or ARIA roles for describing table content.


<table border="1" summary="This table displays sales data for the year 2023.">
  <!-- Table content -->

Modern Approach: Use <caption> and ARIA attributes for accessibility.

Question 7: What are some best practices for styling HTML tables?


  • Use CSS for Styling: Apply styles using external or internal CSS rather than inline styles for better maintainability.
  • Use Border Collapse: Apply border-collapse: collapse; to make borders between cells merge into a single border.
  • Alternate Row Colors: Use nth-child pseudo-class in CSS to apply alternating colors to table rows for better readability.
  • Responsive Design: Implement responsive design techniques to ensure tables display well on different screen sizes.

Example CSS:

table {
  width: 100%;
  border-collapse: collapse;

th, td {
  padding: 8px;
  text-align: left;
  border: 1px solid #ddd;

thead {
  background-color: #f4f4f4;

tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
  background-color: #f9f9f9;