Mastering React Native: A Comprehensive 45-Session Workshop for Modern Mobile Development

Dive into the world of mobile app development with our in-depth 45-session workshop on React Native, designed to take you from a beginner to an advanced developer. This workshop provides a structured learning path, integrating practical exercises, real-time projects, and best practices to equip you with the skills needed to build robust, high-performance mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms.

What You’ll Learn:

  • Introduction to React Native: Understand the fundamentals of React Native, including its architecture and core principles.
  • Component-Based Development: Master the creation and management of reusable components to build scalable and maintainable applications.
  • Cross-Platform Functionality: Learn to develop applications that work seamlessly across iOS and Android using a single codebase.
  • Advanced Features: Implement advanced functionalities such as state management, navigation, and integrating third-party libraries.
  • Real-Time Project: Develop a comprehensive real-time project from scratch, including a YouTube channel app with video management, user authentication, and streaming capabilities.
  • Deployment and Maintenance: Gain hands-on experience with deploying your app to the App Store and Play Store, managing updates, and maintaining app performance.

Key Features:

  • Detailed Session Plans: Each session is meticulously designed to build your skills progressively, with hands-on practice and real-world applications.
  • Best Practices and Code Quality: Emphasize industry best practices, including code quality, commenting strategies, and using ESLint for consistent code standards.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank Integration: Strengthen your problem-solving skills with coding challenges related to React Native development.
  • DSA and Interview Preparation: Enhance your understanding of data structures and algorithms (DSA) and prepare for interviews with focused sessions on technical questions and job planning.
  • Project Deployment: Learn how to effectively deploy your application on major app stores and manage updates post-launch.

Whether you’re looking to advance your career in mobile app development or start a new project, this workshop offers the comprehensive training and hands-on experience you need to succeed in today’s competitive job market.

Why Learn React Native?

React Native is a powerful framework for building mobile applications that offers several advantages:

  1. Cross-Platform Development: Write once, run anywhere. With React Native, you can develop applications for both iOS and Android platforms using a single codebase, saving time and effort.
  2. Performance: React Native provides near-native performance by leveraging native components, which means your app will run smoothly and efficiently on mobile devices.
  3. Rich Ecosystem: The React Native ecosystem includes a vast array of libraries, tools, and community resources that can accelerate development and solve common challenges.
  4. Hot Reloading: This feature allows developers to instantly see the results of the latest changes without needing to recompile the entire application, which speeds up the development process.
  5. Component-Based Architecture: React Native’s component-based architecture promotes reusability and maintainability of code, making it easier to manage and scale applications.
  6. Strong Community Support: Being backed by Facebook and a large open-source community, React Native has extensive documentation, tutorials, and community support, making it easier to find solutions and stay updated with best practices.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook that enables developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React. It allows for the creation of natively rendered mobile apps by using a combination of JavaScript and native code. React Native bridges the gap between web and mobile app development, enabling the reuse of code across platforms and providing a native-like experience for users.

Key features include:

  • Native Components: React Native provides access to native mobile components, such as buttons and text inputs, which render directly on the device.
  • Declarative UI: Using React’s declarative approach, developers can describe how the UI should look for various states, and React Native takes care of updating the view.
  • Reusable Components: React Native promotes the creation of reusable components, improving efficiency and consistency in the development process.

What Can Be Done Using React Native?

With React Native, you can develop a wide range of mobile applications, including:

  1. Social Media Apps: Build platforms similar to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
  2. E-Commerce Apps: Develop shopping apps with functionalities like product listings, cart management, and payment processing.
  3. Entertainment Apps: Create apps for streaming services, news, and media consumption.
  4. Productivity Apps: Develop tools for task management, calendar scheduling, and document editing.
  5. Health and Fitness Apps: Build applications for tracking workouts, health metrics, and diet plans.
  6. Educational Apps: Create platforms for learning and online courses with interactive content.

Average Salary


  • Entry-Level React Native Developer: ₹4,00,000 – ₹7,00,000 per annum
  • Mid-Level React Native Developer: ₹7,00,000 – ₹12,00,000 per annum
  • Senior React Native Developer: ₹12,00,000 – ₹20,00,000 per annum


  • Entry-Level React Native Developer: $65,000 – $85,000 per annum
  • Mid-Level React Native Developer: $85,000 – $120,000 per annum
  • Senior React Native Developer: $120,000 – $150,000+ per annum

These figures are approximate and can vary based on factors such as location, company size, industry, and individual experience.

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Workshop Goals
  4. Beginner Sessions
  5. Intermediate Sessions
  6. Advanced Sessions


This 45-session workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive, hands-on learning experience for React Native development. The workshop covers all levels of expertise, from foundational knowledge to advanced topics, including real-time project development, best practices, and deployment strategies. The program also integrates key problem-solving skills, coding challenges, and interview preparation.


  • Basic Knowledge of JavaScript: Familiarity with fundamental JavaScript concepts.
  • Basic Understanding of React: Prior experience with React is helpful but not mandatory.
  • Development Environment: A computer with Node.js and npm installed.
  • Code Editor: Visual Studio Code or a similar code editor.
  • Device: An Android or iOS device or emulator for testing.

Workshop Goals

  • Develop Practical Skills: Build and deploy a real-time React Native application.
  • Master Key Concepts: Gain proficiency in React Native components, state management, navigation, and more.
  • Learn Best Practices: Apply industry best practices for development, testing, and performance optimization.
  • Prepare for Jobs: Equip yourself with the skills and knowledge to excel in React Native development roles.

Beginner Sessions

Session 1: Introduction to React Native

  • Session Preview: Introduction to React Native, its ecosystem, and its benefits. Overview of the workshop structure and goals.
  • Practice Exercises: Set up a basic React Native environment and create a simple “Hello World” application.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for initial setup and code organization.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve beginner problems related to basic React concepts.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of UI rendering and component-based design.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss the basics of React Native and its advantages.

Session 2: Setting Up Your Development Environment

  • Session Preview: Guide through setting up the development environment, including installation of Node.js, npm, React Native CLI, and necessary dependencies.
  • Practice Exercises: Install and configure React Native CLI and create a new project.
  • Best Practices: Ensure a clean and efficient development setup.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to development environment setup.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of environment configuration.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss setup challenges and solutions.

Session 3: Basic Components and JSX

  • Session Preview: Introduction to basic React Native components and JSX syntax.
  • Practice Exercises: Create and style basic components like Text, View, and Image.
  • Best Practices: Use JSX effectively and adhere to component best practices.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to component creation.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of component design and JSX usage.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss basic components and JSX.

Session 4: Styling in React Native

  • Session Preview: Learn how to style React Native components using the StyleSheet API.
  • Practice Exercises: Apply styles to components and create responsive layouts.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for styling and layout management.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to CSS and styling.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of responsive design and styling.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss styling approaches and challenges.

Session 5: Handling User Input

  • Session Preview: Handle user inputs using TextInput, Buttons, and other interactive components.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement forms and manage user input.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for form handling and validation.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to input handling and validation.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of input management and event handling.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss input handling techniques.

Session 6: Introduction to State and Props

  • Session Preview: Learn about state and props, and how they manage data within React Native components.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement state and props in a sample application.
  • Best Practices: Use state and props effectively for data management.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to state and props.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of data flow and state management.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss the role of state and props in React Native.

Session 7: Navigation Basics

  • Session Preview: Introduction to navigation using React Navigation.
  • Practice Exercises: Set up basic navigation with Stack and Tab navigators.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for navigation and user flow.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to navigation implementation.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of application flow and navigation.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss navigation strategies and challenges.

Session 8: Building a Simple App

  • Session Preview: Build a simple, fully functional React Native application to consolidate learning.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop and style a basic app with user interactions.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for app development and code structure.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to app development.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of end-to-end app development.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss the development process and challenges faced.

Intermediate Sessions

Session 9: Real-Time Project: YouTube Channel App

  • Session Preview: Begin a real-time project to develop a YouTube channel app.
  • Practice Exercises: Set up project structure and initial features.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for project planning and implementation.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to project setup.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of project organization and feature implementation.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss real-time project planning and execution.

Session 10: Advanced Navigation Techniques

  • Session Preview: Explore advanced navigation patterns and techniques.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement deep linking and nested navigators.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for complex navigation scenarios.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to advanced navigation.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of complex navigation and user flow.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss advanced navigation strategies and use cases.

Session 11: State Management with Context API

  • Session Preview: Learn state management using React’s Context API.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement global state management in your project.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for context management and performance.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to state management.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of context-based state management.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss Context API and state management techniques.

Session 12: Introduction to Hooks

  • Session Preview: Introduction to React Hooks and their usage in functional components.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement useState and useEffect hooks in a sample app.
  • Best Practices: Use hooks effectively and follow best practices.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to hooks usage.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of hooks and their benefits.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss the role and advantages of hooks in React.

Session 13: Custom Hooks

  • Session Preview: Create and use custom hooks to encapsulate reusable logic.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop custom hooks for managing state and side effects.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for creating and using custom hooks.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to custom hooks.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of custom hook development.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss custom hooks and their applications.

Session 14: Planning a Real-World Project

  • Session Preview: Plan the real-world project, including feature list, architecture, and timeline.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop a project plan and architecture diagram.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for project planning and requirement gathering.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to project planning.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of project planning and architecture.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss project planning strategies and techniques.

Session 15: Project Setup and Initialization

  • Session Preview: Set up the project environment and initialize core features.
  • Practice Exercises: Create project structure and initial components.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for project setup and initialization.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to project initialization.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of project setup and initialization.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss project setup and initial challenges.

Session 16: Developing Core Features

  • Session Preview: Develop core features and functionalities of the real-world project.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement key features such as user authentication and video management.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for feature development and integration.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to feature development.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of feature implementation and integration.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss core feature development and integration strategies.

Session 17: Implementing State Management

  • Session Preview: Apply state management solutions to the real-world project.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement state management using Context API or other solutions.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for state management and performance.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to state management.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of state management in large projects.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss state management approaches and challenges.

Session 18: Implementing Navigation

  • Session Preview: Add and configure navigation within the real-world project.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement navigation features such as stack, tab, and drawer navigators.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for navigation and user flow.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to navigation implementation.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of navigation and user flow management.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss navigation strategies and implementation.

Session 19: Handling Forms and User Input

  • Session Preview: Implement advanced form handling and input validation.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop forms with validation and error handling.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for form handling and user input management.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to forms and validation.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of form handling and input validation.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss advanced form handling techniques.

Session 20: Using Context API for Global State

  • Session Preview: Apply Context API for managing global state across the application.
  • Practice Exercises: Set up and use Context API for global state management.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for global state management and performance.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to global state management.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of context-based state management.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss the use of Context API for global state management.

Session 21: Utilizing Hooks in Project

  • Session Preview: Integrate React hooks into the real-world project for improved functionality.
  • Practice Exercises: Use hooks for state management and side effects in the project.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for hooks usage and integration.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to hooks in projects.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of hook utilization in real-world applications.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss the application of hooks in your project.

Session 22: Testing the Project

  • Session Preview: Implement testing strategies for the real-world project.
  • Practice Exercises: Write and run tests for various components and features.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for testing and quality assurance.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to testing strategies.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of effective testing and quality assurance.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss testing approaches and their impact on project quality.

Session 23: Optimizing the Project

  • Session Preview: Apply performance optimization techniques to improve app performance.
  • Practice Exercises: Optimize code, images, and other resources for better performance.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for performance optimization.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to performance optimization.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of optimization and performance tuning.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss performance optimization strategies.

Session 24: Finalizing the Project

  • Session Preview: Complete the final touches on the real-world project and prepare for presentation.
  • Practice Exercises: Perform final checks, address issues, and polish features.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for project finalization and presentation.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to final project touches.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of project readiness and finalization.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss finalization processes and project presentation.

Session 25: Preparing for Presentation

  • Session Preview: Prepare and practice for the project presentation.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop and rehearse the presentation of the project.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for effective presentation and communication.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to presentation skills.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of effective communication and presentation.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to present your project and discuss presentation strategies.

Advanced Sessions

Session 26: Project Presentation

  • Session Preview: Present your completed project to peers and instructors.
  • Practice Exercises: Deliver the presentation and engage in Q&A sessions.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for project presentation and handling feedback.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to presentation and communication.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of effective presentation and feedback incorporation.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss the presentation and feedback received.

Session 27: Career Planning and Job Preparation

  • Session Preview: Explore career opportunities, job preparation strategies, and resume building.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop a resume and prepare for interviews.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for job search and interview preparation.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to job preparation.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of career planning and job search strategies.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare for job interviews and career discussions.

Session 28: Workshop Wrap-up

  • Session Preview: Review key learnings, discuss challenges, and provide feedback on the workshop.
  • Practice Exercises: Reflect on the workshop experience and document key takeaways.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for reflection and feedback.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to workshop feedback and reflection.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of reflection and continuous learning.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss key learnings and feedback.

Session 29: Continuous Learning and Next Steps

  • Session Preview: Explore resources and strategies for continuous learning and professional development.
  • Practice Exercises: Identify areas for further learning and development.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for continuous learning and skill enhancement.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to ongoing learning.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of lifelong learning and skill development.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss strategies for continuous professional growth.

Session 30: Implementing Video Upload and Management

  • Session Preview: Develop functionality for uploading and managing videos within the app.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement video upload, storage, and management features.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for video management and performance.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to video management.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of video management and integration.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss video management and integration techniques.

Session 31: Integrating User Authentication and Authorization

  • Session Preview: Implement user authentication and authorization features.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop sign-up, login, and user role management features.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for secure authentication and authorization.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to authentication and security.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of secure authentication and role-based access.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss user authentication and authorization strategies.

Session 32: Building the Online Training Program Interface

  • Session Preview: Develop the interface for the online training program, including video courses and user interactions.
  • Practice Exercises: Create and style training program components.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for UI/UX design and user interaction.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to UI/UX design.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of user-centered design and interface development.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss UI/UX design and development for training programs.

Session 33: Integrating Video Streaming Capabilities

  • Session Preview: Implement video streaming functionality within the app.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop features for live streaming and on-demand video playback.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for video streaming performance and user experience.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to video streaming.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of streaming and performance optimization.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss video streaming integration and challenges.

Session 34: Implementing Search and Filters

  • Session Preview: Develop search and filter functionalities for the video content.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement search bars and filter options for content discovery.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for search and filter functionalities.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to search and filtering.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of search algorithms and filtering techniques.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss search and filter implementations.

Session 35: User Interaction and Feedback Mechanisms

  • Session Preview: Implement mechanisms for user feedback and interaction.
  • Practice Exercises: Develop features for user ratings, reviews, and feedback.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for user feedback and interaction.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to user feedback mechanisms.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of user feedback and interaction.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss user interaction and feedback strategies.

Session 36: Testing the Real-Time Project

  • Session Preview: Perform comprehensive testing on the real-time project.
  • Practice Exercises: Write and run tests for all features and functionalities.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for project testing and quality assurance.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to project testing.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of comprehensive testing and quality assurance.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss testing strategies and outcomes.

Session 37: Performance Optimization for Video Streaming

  • Session Preview: Apply performance optimization techniques for video streaming features.
  • Practice Exercises: Optimize video streaming performance and reduce latency.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for streaming performance and user experience.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to performance optimization.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of performance tuning and optimization.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss performance optimization techniques and challenges.

Session 38: Finalizing the Real-Time Project

  • Session Preview: Complete and polish the real-time project.
  • Practice Exercises: Address final issues, optimize features, and prepare for deployment.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for project finalization and quality assurance.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to project finalization.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of project readiness and finalization.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss finalization processes and project readiness.

Session 39: Preparing Project Documentation

  • Session Preview: Develop comprehensive documentation for the real-time project.
  • Practice Exercises: Create user guides, technical documentation, and project reports.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for documentation and communication.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to documentation and communication.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of effective documentation and reporting.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss documentation strategies and best practices.

Session 40: Project Presentation and Review

  • Session Preview: Present and review the completed real-time project.
  • Practice Exercises: Deliver the final presentation and receive feedback.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for presentation and feedback incorporation.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to presentation and feedback.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of project presentation and feedback analysis.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to present the project and discuss feedback received.

Session 41: Deploying to App Store and Play Store

  • Session Preview: Learn the steps to deploy your app to the App Store and Play Store.
  • Practice Exercises: Follow deployment procedures and guidelines.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for app store deployment and submission.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to app deployment.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of app deployment and release management.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss deployment strategies and procedures.

Session 42: Integrating Analytics and Monitoring

  • Session Preview: Implement analytics and monitoring tools in the app.
  • Practice Exercises: Set up and configure analytics and monitoring tools.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for analytics integration and data monitoring.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to analytics and monitoring.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of data analytics and application monitoring.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss analytics integration and monitoring strategies.

Session 43: Handling App Updates and Maintenance

  • Session Preview: Learn how to manage app updates and ongoing maintenance.
  • Practice Exercises: Implement update procedures and maintenance plans.
  • Best Practices: Use best practices for app updates and version management.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to app maintenance.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of app maintenance and version control.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss strategies for handling app updates and maintenance.

Session 44: Advanced Performance Optimization

  • Session Preview: Apply advanced performance optimization techniques to improve app efficiency.
  • Practice Exercises: Optimize app performance and address complex performance issues.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for advanced performance tuning.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to advanced performance optimization.
  • DSA Focus: Understand principles of advanced performance optimization.
  • Interview Planning: Prepare to discuss advanced optimization techniques and strategies.

Session 45: Future Trends in React Native Development

  • Session Preview: Explore emerging trends and future directions in React Native development.
  • Practice Exercises: Research and discuss new trends and technologies in the React Native ecosystem.
  • Best Practices: Follow best practices for staying updated with industry trends.
  • LeetCode/HackerRank: Solve problems related to future technologies and trends.
  • DSA Focus: Review principles of staying current with industry advancements.
  • Interview Planning: Discuss future trends and their implications for React Native development.

Tips and Tricks for Unit Testing and ESLint

Unit Testing Tips:
  1. Use Jest for React Native: Jest is the recommended testing framework for React Native due to its ease of use and integration with React. It provides built-in assertions and mocking capabilities.
  2. Write Testable Code: Design your components and functions to be easily testable by keeping them small, focused, and with minimal side effects. This makes writing and maintaining tests easier.
  3. Mock Dependencies: Use Jest’s mocking capabilities to isolate the unit you’re testing from external dependencies like APIs or databases. This ensures that your tests focus on the component or function itself.
  4. Test Edge Cases: Don’t just test the happy path. Ensure you cover edge cases and error scenarios to make your application more robust.
  5. Use Snapshot Testing: Utilize Jest’s snapshot testing to track changes to your UI components. This helps in catching unintended changes in the UI over time.
  6. Automate Testing: Integrate unit tests into your CI/CD pipeline to automatically run tests on every commit and pull request. This helps catch issues early in the development process.

ESLint Tips:

  1. Configure ESLint Properly: Start with a base configuration suitable for React Native and adjust rules according to your project’s coding standards. Use .eslintrc.js for customizable configurations.
  2. Use ESLint Plugins: Incorporate plugins like eslint-plugin-react and eslint-plugin-react-native to enforce React-specific and React Native-specific linting rules.
  3. Enable Prettier Integration: Integrate Prettier with ESLint for consistent code formatting. Use eslint-config-prettier to disable formatting rules that conflict with Prettier.
  4. Define Code Style Rules: Establish and enforce a consistent code style by defining rules for spacing, indentation, and naming conventions. This improves code readability and maintainability.
  5. Run ESLint in Your IDE: Set up ESLint in your code editor to get real-time feedback on code quality and style violations as you write code.
  6. Review and Update Rules Regularly: Regularly review and update your ESLint rules to adapt to changes in coding practices and project requirements. Ensure the rules align with the team’s coding guidelines.

By following these tips, you can enhance your testing practices and maintain high-quality, clean code throughout your React Native projects.